What you probably didn’t know about laser eye surgery

LASIK or PRK Eye Surgery

What you probably didn’t know about laser eye surgery

What you probably didn’t know about laser eye surgery

Laser eye surgery, sometimes known as LASIK surgery in some circles, can be used to repair a variety of vision problems. However, there are certain risks associated with the operation, and not everyone is a candidate for it. In addition, depending on where a person lives, the procedure might be rather expensive.

The cornea is the outer covering of the eye that protects it from the environment. Astigmatism and myopia are both conditions in which the shape of the cornea can alter in some individuals, resulting in vision problems. In laser eye surgery, this layer is reshaped with the use of laser energy.

What you probably didn’t know about laser eye surgery

The precise way in which laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea is determined by the eyesight problem that the procedure is intended to remedy. Laser eye surgery may correct a variety of visual problems, including nearsightedness and farsightedness.

It takes only a few minutes, and the patients stay conscious during the operation. There are no known consequences. It is also normally painless — if a person suffers discomfort, it is usually a sign that there are difficulties.

This page describes what laser eye surgery is, who it can benefit from, how much it costs, how long it takes to complete, how long it takes to recuperate, and whether or not there are any related short- and long-term hazards.

What is laser eye surgery and how does it work? (LASIK or PRK)

When it comes to refractive cataract surgery Brisbane, LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses) is the most often performed procedure. LASIK surgery was initially patented in 1989 and has since grown to become the most frequent therapy for refractive eye problems, according to Trusted Source. During the operation, lasers are used to reshape the cornea.

Who may it be able to assist?

A doctor attending to a baby

It is estimated that over 150 million Americans need corrective eyeglasses to compensate for refractive problems. This figure comes from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Refractive errors arise when the eye fails to bend — or refract — the light in order for it to correctly concentrate on the retina at the back of the eye, which is called a refractive error. This is most often caused by the shape of the corneal surface.


Farsightedness is referred to as hyperopia in the medical community. People who suffer from this illness may see items well in the distance, however other objects can look hazy when they are close to them. Farsightedness is caused by the cornea’s curvature being too flat, which causes it to be too thin. A steeper curvature in the cornea can be achieved with laser eye surgery, which can treat this condition.


Nearsightedness, often known as myopia or short-sightedness, is a condition in which a person can see clearly items that are close to them. Distanced objects, on the other hand, may look fuzzy. This is due to the cornea’s curvature is excessively steep, which causes the problem. By reshaping the cornea using laser eye surgery, healthcare practitioners can treat this condition.


Astigmatism is characterized by the presence of an irregularly shaped pupil in the eyes of those who suffer from it. The eye of someone who does not have the disease is spherical, like a soccer ball, however, the eye of someone who has the ailment may have a more football-like form. The abnormal curvature of the cornea can be corrected by laser eye surgery in some circumstances, although it is not always achievable. You can know about What is laser surgery? by clicking here.

Who is inappropriate for this position?

Individuals that are not appropriate

  • have had a change in their eye prescription in the last 12 months 
  • are taking medications that may cause changes in vision 
  • are in their 20s or younger, although some experts recommend not being under the age of 18 years 
  • have thin corneas, which may be unstable following laser eye surgery 
  • are pregnant or nursing 


The most significant advantage of laser eye surgery is that the vast majority of patients no longer require corrective eyeglasses in order to see well. Individuals may elect to have the surgery for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • being unable to wear contact lenses yet choosing not to wear glasses, maybe for cosmetic reasons; seeking to participate in activities that require a person to not wear glasses or contact lenses, such as sports;
  • being able to save time by not needing to wear corrective lenses

As with every surgical procedure, there is the possibility of complications, which include:

Dry eyes: 

Up to 95 percent of those who have laser eye surgery may develop dry eyes following the treatment, which is characterized by decreased tear production. This symptom can be alleviated with the use of lubricating eye drops.

Laser eye surgery can cause visual alterations such as glare, halo, or increased sensitivity to light in as many as 20% of those who have the procedure.

Double or blurred vision: 

As many as one in every fifty persons may have blurriness and the sensation that something is in their eyes. It is possible that the reason is diffuse lamellar keratitis, popularly known as the “sands of Sahara” condition.

Other difficulties that a person may encounter are as follows:

  • corneal flap issues as a result of an infection in the eye
  • whites of the eyes that are crimson or bloodshot

The majority of symptoms should subside within the first several days, therefore anyone who continues to experience symptoms after this period should seek medical attention.

What to Expect During the Surgical Procedure

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), laser eye surgery is generally completed in less than 30 minutes.

The source that can be trusted. The process, according to some estimates, will take around 5 minutes for each eye.

Following laser eye surgery, patients should expect the following side effects:

During the procedure, patients will sit in a chair and recline so that they are flat on their backs beneath a laser instrument and computer screen.

A numbing drop will be placed in the eye by the surgical team after the region surrounding the eye has been cleaned.

  • Surgeons will use a lid speculum, which is a medical device, to keep the eyelids open during the procedure.
  • A laser will be used to create a flap in the cornea, which will subsequently be lifted open by the surgeon.
  • Individuals will be required to gaze at a light in order to keep their eyes motionless while the laser is operating.
  • The surface of the cornea will be reshaped by the laser after that.
  • The surgeon will then reinsert the flap back into its original location before applying an eye cover for protection.